Drawing is a form of expressing oneself, just like dancing, singing, storytelling, and painting. It comes naturally to children using a variety of mediums like chalks, colour pencils, crayons or even a piece of charcoal.
Drawing is a form of expressing oneself, just like dancing, singing, storytelling, and painting. It comes naturally to children using a variety of mediums like chalks, colour pencils, crayons or even a piece of charcoal.
Drawing is making identifiable marks on different surfaces, maybe in a basic form, on walls, black or whiteboard, paper and in advanced levels, on canvas and drawing boards. Drawing has a lot of benefits for children. As early as toddlers, they find joy in scribbling shapes and patterns that develop their motor skills, eye-hand coordination and creativity.
Let us find out the benefits of drawing time for children in this blog. At a grass root level, there are about six significant benefits of drawing time for children,
1. Developing Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills play a significant role in the development of children. The specialised movement of the hand, fingers, and wrist helps in daily activities like writing, typing and driving as they grow to become adults. Children with developed fine motor skills and motor skills are more efficient in many fields in their later life. For example, drawing from an early age improves their fine motor skills drastically. They control their finger movements and rotation to the ideas they want to express on the surface they are drawing. This helps in the development of vital motor skills in children.
Drawing and experimenting with different tools like pencils and crayons help children manipulate and find out the best way to hold the instrument and bring the best out of it. Drawing & Painting Lessons for Kids at various places helps children develop their interest in drawing with the help of experts in the field. Using different tools and techniques helps children bring out their creativity at its best.
2. Eye-Hand Coordination
Since drawing brings about a lot of visual analysis and expressing it by using their hand movements, it boosts eye-hand coordination in children. Eye-hand coordination is an essential skill needed for a lifetime. This comes with drawing classes when children try to copy drawing a picture or an object. This requires perfect coordination of the child’s eye and hand.
3. Makes Them Creative
Drawing is a powerful way of expression for a child. Children can express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas through their drawings. It is an excellent way for parents and guardians to understand what the child feels by paying attention to their creative expression. They learn to express their thoughts and feelings freely through drawings.
Creativity in children makes them creative problem solvers. To decide on what and how to draw before beginning makes them good planners.
Try to celebrate their creativity through encouraging words and constructive questions. Support their love for drawing by positive reinforcement and displaying them in an appropriate place. Allow children to explore their creativity by building a sense of pride and self-confidence. You may enroll your kids at Summer camp in Abu Dhabi where children gets opportunity to upskill their drawing and other arts through fun and entertainment.
4. Improves Visual Analysis
Children can calculate and relate different aspects of visual analysis through drawing. As young kids, they cannot identify many things like distance and depth in reality. Children who practise drawing can quickly identify and understand these concepts through their pictures, drawing different shapes, roads, rivers, etc. They can also understand size differences and textural differences through drawing.
Children can perform a fundamental visual analysis of everyday spaces by practising drawing specific items concerning each other. Through drawing, they grasp concepts like big and small, far and near, rough and smooth, etc.
5. Observation and Concentration
A child who practises drawing is more observant of his surroundings and people. They get inspiration from what he observes around them. Observation is a skill that helps an individual throughout their lifetime. It helps in making better decisions and choices in their later life.
Drawing requires a lot of concentration too. A child's desire calls for patience and attention to complete a picture. Visualising what to draw and drawing it in a way the child perceives it is a task that needs a lot of concentration. Concentration is also beneficial for a child in academics and other co-curricular activities. Drawing thus brings a lot of maturity in children from a young age.
6. Builds Confidence
Drawing gives children an opportunity to create a physical representation of their thoughts, imaginations, experiences, and feelings. Through this kind of expression, they gain a lot of confidence. It is also a medium to vent out the bad feelings in them. Drawing helps children to validate themselves through motivation and self-worth. The affirmation gained through drawing makes them more confident in all walks of life.
Encourage children to draw from a very young age, since that helps them from their toddler years. Positive reinforcement and questions about what they have drawn motivate children to draw and express through more such drawings. Never suggest to a toddler what to pull. Let their imaginations flow freely! Appreciate and display their creativity appropriately—all these help in reaping the benefits of drawing for children extensively.
| Preschool in Abu Dhabi | Summer Camp in Abu Dhabi | Winter Camp in Abu Dhabi | Spring Camp in Abu Dhabi | Zumba Classes in Abu Dhabi |
Pratibha is a certified NLP Master Practioner personally trained and mentored by International NLP Master Trainer Vikram Dhar. She is a Life, Peak Performance & Career Coach, Hypnotherapist, Counsellor(CBT &EFT), and Healing Expert. Settled in Abu Dhabi, Pratibha has 15+ years of experience in the field of Research& Development, Teaching & Training in Industrial and Institutional sectors. she is fully competent and adhere to the ethical framework, guide for good practice, and code of conduct. She has regular supervision and continually, strives to update, learn new skills and ways of working.