Daycare in Baniyas

Daycare Baniyas
A daycare system is a service that provides care for young children during the day while their parents or guardians are at the workplace. The working parents need help to strike a balance between professional life and childcare. The daycare offers a positive stimulating environment that can motivate a child and allow him to gather complex sensory, emotional and intellectual experiences. Daycare provides an opportunity for children to see other adults as mentors and authority figures able to provide positive guidance. Kids are curious by nature, and our Daycare in Baniyas provides an excellent platform where kids can explore a variety of things under the proper supervision of our professional caregivers.

All You Need to Know About Daycare in Baniyas, Syria

Time Master Skills Development Centre offers the best daycare services and is a safe and secure environment for young ones. Our daycare in Baniyas has excellent facilities that will engage your child meaningfully. We ensure your child gets more immersed and interested in the world around him, and we utilise your kid’s newfound wonder as a way to introduce new ideas and concepts through story, song, and gameplay.

Benefits of Our Daycare in Baniyas, Syria

The toddler phase is a sensitive period where kids require the right amount of love and care. Our caregivers provide individual care & attention to each kid and facilitate playful learning. The following are the benefits of our Daycare in Baniyas in Syria.

  • Kids will get opportunities to interact with other children their age, which helps improve their social skills.
  • We ensure that kids are protected from any sort of harm while they are under our care.
  • We provide age-appropriate learning for kids.
  • We provide a safe space where kids are supported, engaged, and encouraged.
  • The little ones are encouraged to learn behaviour that promotes better social interaction.
  • We provide a cost-effective solution for parents who need caregivers for their children.

Key Focus of Time Master's Daycare in Baniyas

Our daycare program mainly focuses on the holistic development of kids. The following are other essential areas of focus:

  • To ensure that kids are getting the very best start in life.
  • To offer a structured child-centric environment that is safe and well-organised.
  • To allow parents to work without worrying about their child's safety while they are at the workplace.
  • To help kids become creative and develop hobbies at a young age.
  • To ensure that the right messages are conveyed to kids.
  • To give special focus to kids who are comparatively slow learners.

Details About Our Preschool Programme


2 To 5 years

Medium of Instruction

Registration Requirements

A valid Passport copy
A valid national ID card of the student for registration

Teachers/Students Ratio



Arts and crafts, music, storytelling, and outdoor plays.

Why Choose Time Master’s Daycare in Baniyas?

Time Master’s Daycare in Baniyas is crafted in such a way that will contribute immensely, to your child’s overall development. Here’s why you should consider enrolling your kids in Time Master’s Daycare in Baniyas,

  • We impart the values of sharing and caring among kids.
  • We have CCTV surveillance for the safety and protection of kids.
  • We have an indoor activity area, sleeping area and green area for outdoor games.
  • We help your kids develop insight and worldview.
  • We set the groundwork for future intellectual strides.
  • We help kids become better at socializing and facing life challenges.


1.What is the age bar for kids who can be enrolled in Time Master’s Daycare in Baniyas?

Kids between the ages of 2 to 5 can be enrolled in our daycare system.

2.Why should working parents enrol their kids in daycare?

Here’s why working parents should think about enrolling their kids in a daycare facility,

  • Daycare provides a structured environment with trained caregivers to administer care and provide education.
  • Daycare is a safe platform with effective monitoring by professional caregivers.

3.Is the infrastructure of the daycare child-friendly?

Yes, our building is child-friendly and we have built it by taking into consideration the safety of kids.

4.What are the early stages of cognitive development for kids?

According to developmental psychology, the early stages of cognitive development are,

  • Sensorimotor stage: This is the first stage of cognitive development that occurs between the age of 0 to 2 where kids interact with the environment through stimuli, senses and movements.
  • Preoperational stage: The preoperational stage comes after the sensorimotor stage. The kids between the ages of 2 to 7 fall under this stage. This is the stage where kids develop their speech and fine motor skills.

5.How can daycare benefit your kids?

Daycare helps your kids develop their individuality and socialising skills faster. Daycare also helps them to become independent and faster at an earlier stage of their life.

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Daycare in Abu Dhabi

Time Master Skills Development Center in Abu Dhabi is located at ADCP Tower B, Behind City Seasons, Electra Street. We emphasize Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) and follow the latest Daycare guidelines. We provide individual attention to the kids and help them in their holistic development. Our expert caregivers ensure that kids are prepared to face the real world and equip them with essential life skills through playful activities.

Daycare in Baniyas

Working parents always have to juggle between personal and professional life. Time Master located at Baniyas, Syria provides daycare facilities to toddlers. Our services help working parents leave their children at a safe place while they are off to work. We provide a nurturing environment? for kids filled with fun activities. If you are looking for a daycare facility for your kid in Baniyas, Syria then, Time Master Skills Development Center is the right choice!